I ran into some problems usingthe VC Client Update Manager. After checking the .ZIP update file it came with an error. The solution, download the .ZIP upgrade file, extract it and copy it to your ESXi server using winscp or VC storage browse Go to the directory where you placedRead More →

I install my ESXi servers with a pre-compiled version with ESXi with SSH access already enabled. But for the people who don’t, this is how you enable (unsupported!) SSH access to ESXi. Logon to the console (you don’t have SSH access, so this is the only option) Press ALT-F1 andRead More →

I ran into a problem with one virtual machine, when creating a snapshot for backup (Veeam and/or VMware datarecovery) : After some troubleshooting i found that stopping the following services did the job : Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider” and “Volume Shadow Copy” The specific server is an webserver soRead More →

Sometimes it can be handy to export and import your DNS records. This can easily be done.  When you are using an Active Directory integrated DNS server (and who isn’t :-)), then you can acomplish this as follows: Change your DNS scope settings to not Active Directory integrated Go toRead More →