Script to check multiple servers which services are using specific accounts

A client wanted to rename a specific account, but they were afraid to change this specific account because it could be used as a service account for several services running on a number of servers. Because I didn’t want to logon to all those servers manually I decided to create a powershell script.


Hereby the source code :

$SaveLocaPath=Test-Path $DefineSaveLocation
if ($SaveLocaPath -eq $False)
    {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DefineSaveLocation}
cd $DefineSaveLocation

Foreach ($Server in Get-Content "F:\powershell\inputfile.txt" )
  Write-Host "Retrieving Servers for $Server "    
  Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName $Server  | select Name,
  @{N="Startup Type";E={$_.StartMode}},
  @{N="Service Account";E={$_.StartName}},
  @{N="System Name";E={$_.Systemname}} | Sort-Object "Name" > ".\$Server -Services.txt"


This script uses a inputfile containing the servernames. You can use for example use rvtools or an WMI query to create this file.

After running the script the output is as follows :


(Click the picture for a full view)

I imported this file into excel and from now it’s easy to check for accounts being used etc.

Make sure to run powershell in elevated mode and don’t forget the set-executionpolicy unrestricted option.

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