How to show (export) all devices synchronizing with your Office 365

For a MDM project I had to make an dump which users are using which devices to (active)sync with their Office 365 mailboxes. This is how I did that :

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} | Select-Object @{label=”User” ; expression={$_.Identity}},DeviceModel,DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync | Export-csv F:\powershell\activesync.csv

Running the above command showed the following output (in a CSV file format):

As you can see you see the user, the device the user is using, the OS their device uses and last time that devices succesfully synchronized.

I used Excel to import the CSV and sort on LastSuccessSync.

Find out here how to connect to Office 365 using Powershell.

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