It’s very easy to backup all your data on your QNAP NAS to the public Cloud from Azure. In this blogpost I’m describing all the necessary steps.
Create A Storage account
First make sure you have an active Azure account with a subscription. You can easily sign up for a one month free trial period. Go to and create a Storage account. Go to the big plus, and select Storage/Storage account.
Ok, let’s create a storage account :
Give it a name, Storage v1 is alright. Local redundancy is cheaper then Global Redundancy. Default performance is more then enough, choose your subscription and give your new resourcegroup a fancy name 🙂
It takes a couple of seconds for this account to be created. Now go to your storage account and copy the Access Keys (Toegangssleutels in Dutch), You will need that later on.
Ok… step 2
Download the Azure Storage APP
Go to your QNAP interface and download the QNAP Azure Storage APP.
(Choose App Center)
Choose Backup / Sync and then Azure Storage
After downloading & installing, open the App:
Go to Account, to configure your Storage Account.
The first name can be anything, the second name is the name of your storage account (without the UPN..) and the last is the secret key your copied earlier. Make sure you select the SSL option.
You now can create a new Backup Job. It’s very easily and doesn’t need any explanation. The App has all the necessary options you wish for :
Take notice : it’s recommended to encrypt all your data on Azure. So that no one has access to your data. Even when they have access to your storage account! Don’t forget your password, no one else can recover it!
You can tune these options when you wish.
It can take some time when you back-up your entire NAS to Azure. It’s recommended create multiple tasks. A task for each folder.
Wat about pricing? Check out the costs here :
In my case I use 2 TB for approx € 40 monthly.