Tips and Best Practices for VM Replication with BDRSuite

When you embark on the journey of VM replication, it’s crucial to go beyond the basic steps and understand the nuances that can make a significant difference in your replication strategy. Here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Understand Your Workload:
    • Assess the workload of your VMs to determine the ideal replication frequency. Highly transactional systems may require more frequent replications compared to less dynamic systems. You can use built-in VMware tools like vCenter Server or third-party performance monitoring solutions to track the activity of your virtual machines. Look for metrics like disk write rate, network throughput, and CPU usage, which can indicate the level of activity on a VM.
    • Also, analyze the rate at which data changes on your VMs. Highly transactional systems, such as databases, often have a high change rate, meaning data is modified frequently. BDRSuite can provide insights into the rate of data change over time.
  2. RPO and RTO Considerations:
    • Clearly define your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) to align your replication strategy with business continuity goals.
    • Lower RPOs reduce data loss but require more resources and bandwidth; find a balance that works for your organization.
    • BDRSuite allows you to set specific Recovery Point Objectives and Recovery Time Objectives for each VM, which can be based on the data change rates and business impact analysis results.
  3. Bandwidth Management:
    • Throttle (and monitor!) bandwidth for replication tasks during peak business hours to prevent performance degradation.
    • Use replication windows during off-hours to maximize replication speed and reduce impact on daily operations.
  4. Data Compression and Deduplication:
    • Enable data compression to save bandwidth and speed up replication tasks.
    • Use deduplication features to eliminate redundant data and minimize storage requirements at the replication site.

Key Technical Choices:

  1. Replication Types:
    • Choose between synchronous and asynchronous replication based on your needs. Synchronous is instantaneous but requires more bandwidth, while asynchronous may have a lag but is less resource-intensive.
  2. Snapshot-Based vs. Continuous Data Protection (CDP):
    • Snapshot-based replication offers periodic replications, which is less resource-intensive but provides less up-to-date data.
    • CDP provides near-real-time replication, ensuring that almost all data is replicated up to the moment of failure.
  3. Quiescing VMs for Application Consistency:
    • For applications that require strong consistency (like databases), use quiescing to pause the VM momentarily to take a consistent snapshot without affecting active transactions.

Testing and Validation:

  1. Regular Testing:
    • Regularly test your replication and failover procedures to ensure they work as expected. This is the only way to validate your disaster recovery strategy truly.
    • Document the outcomes of your tests to improve and refine your procedures.
    • Conduct test failovers within BDRSuite to simulate disaster scenarios and validate your RPO and RTO settings. This can confirm whether your replication frequency is appropriate for each VM’s workload.
  2. Failback Procedures:
    • Plan for failback as well as failover. After a disaster, you’ll want to return to the primary site with as little disruption as possible.
    • Ensure your replication solution supports reverse replication to simplify this process.

Scalability and Future Growth:

  1. Plan for Growth:
    • When setting up replication, consider the scalability of your solution to accommodate future growth.
    • Ensure that your replication strategy can handle an increase in VMs or data volume without a complete overhaul.
    • As your business grows and workloads increase, BDRSuite’s scalable infrastructure can adapt to changing needs without requiring a complete overhaul of your disaster recovery setup.


By incorporating these tips and best practices into your VM replication plan with BDRSuite, you’ll be better equipped to handle disaster recovery challenges. With the right approach and regular testing, you can ensure that your VMs are replicated efficiently and effectively, providing peace of mind that your data is secure and recoverable.

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