Recently I build a XenApp environment on Azure for demo purposes. I used –> this <– website helping me calculating the costs. This website (running on Azure :-)) makes it easy to calculate the costs of your XenApp/XenDesktop environment on Azure.   You can provide the locations, working Hours, Workloads and numberRead More →

The K1000 Virtual Appliance is configured, by default, to utilize 2 vCPUs and 4 GB of memory (this is also the minimum system requirement for the K1000). However, this minimum specification is only designed for the average customer up to 1000 managed devices. For larger implementations, more resources are required.Read More →

I recently ran into some issues with installing the KACE 1000 client. KACE 1000 is the KACE Systems Management Appliance from Quest software. In this example I want to push the agent to a specific client and that fails. Check the logging First step is to check the logging. GoRead More →

For a MDM project I had to make an dump which users are using which devices to (active)sync with their Office 365 mailboxes. This is how I did that : Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} | Select-Object @{label=”User” ; expression={$_.Identity}},DeviceModel,DeviceOS, lastsuccesssync | Export-csv F:\powershell\activesync.csv Running the above commandRead More →