I ran into a problem while granting one or more permissions on a mailbox : The object 'domain.domain/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/HostedORG/User′ must be within the read scope before and after.. Because it’s an Exchange 2010 SP2 multi tenant hosted environment there is no management console, so I figured out how toRead More →

Today my new servers arrived. The HP Microserver N40L. Yes, only 8 Gb max memory each but enough for my test environment. (My production environment is running on other servers) Like mentioned my other VM’s are running on different servers but they are so important now that I can’t useRead More →

Currently I’m working on a big post compairing several back-up solutions. I found this article from Altaro interesting and contains several interesting points of view. For example inconsistent backups, yes the backup succeeded but when it takes serval hours for a backup to complete many file could be inconsistent. DoRead More →

Today a co-worker found the solution of not able to login into Office 365′ sharepoint. The solution was simple but effective : Open IE9, –> tools –> Security –> Trusted Sites –> Sites. Add the following sites : https://*.sharepoint.com” https://*.microsoftonline.com”>https://*.microsoftonline.com Thanks Bob! 🙂  Read More →

You can easily check if you have an open relay with websites like http://www.mxtoolbox.com/, https://www.testexchangeconnectivity.com and http://www.checkor.com/ When you found out that they say that you have an open relay you can double check that with the following command : Get-ReceiveConnector | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like “*SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient*”)} | whereRead More →