I ran into a problem while granting one or more permissions on a mailbox : The object 'domain.domain/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/HostedORG/User′ must be within the read scope before and after.. Because it’s an Exchange 2010 SP2 multi tenant hosted environment there is no management console, so I figured out how toRead More →

You can easily check if you have an open relay with websites like http://www.mxtoolbox.com/, https://www.testexchangeconnectivity.com and http://www.checkor.com/ When you found out that they say that you have an open relay you can double check that with the following command : Get-ReceiveConnector | Get-ADPermission | where {($_.ExtendedRights -like “*SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient*”)} | whereRead More →

Today I again received a question regarding Android phones who refuse to synchronize the calendar items. (Email etc is no problem, it’s only the calendar function). I found the following solution : Go to instellingen (settings) applications toepassingen beheren Alles Agenda opslag Gegevens wissen When you synchronize again the problemRead More →