File level restore on Azure

Making backups of virtual machines running on Azure using snapshot technology is a nice feature. But sometimes you don’t want to revert the whole snapshot but only want to restore a single file. Now this is possible. It uses the same backup/Snapshot technology you probably are already using.


Open the virtual machine properties in the all resources tab. Choose the Back-up option.


Go to the file level restore option. (more/upper right)


Select the back-up set containing the file(s) you wish to restore. Then choose to download the script. Upload that script to your Virtual Machine. (winscp, copy/paste into nano/vi or any other way you choose to). It takes approx. 1 minute to generate and download the script.

Execute the script using bash <>. First time the VM adds support for the iSCSI service which is required for mounting the back-upset. Choose Y for installation the iSCSI drivers and wait a few seconds. You see that entire back-upset is mounted. Now you can copy all the necessary files you need.

After you are ready, go to the Azure portal and choose to unmount the back-upset. Now you are all finished!

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